Monday, July 14, 2008


Hey everyone, it's Alix. I haven't contributed to the blog yet, partly because I didn't think I had anything blog-worthy to say, so I thought now I would share what I've done this summer. The first part of my summer was pretty relaxing, I just stayed around home, which is in Moorestown, NJ, a town about 30 minutes outside of center city Philadelphia. I live close to the Atlantic City too, so that's been a fun place to go on day trips. In June I took a calculus class at The College of New Jersey, just so I wouldn't have to deal with taking it during the year. I'm so happy it's over! So right now, I'm actually in Killington, VT. It's my first time in Vermont, and it's beautiful! We're staying at a hiking spa, which basically means you get to go on a long hike in the morning, participate in other fitness classes, and get spa treatments :) Tomorrow we're going to Woodstock to hike, which I'm so excited about! Anyway, I'll try to take some good pictures on the hikes to post later. So, I hope everyone else is having a fun summer too! Oh yeah and I'm so excited to spend time with Earth Lodge's very own Kristen and Aleena next week! Kristen's coming up from WV to stay with me and Aleena for a week!!! So that's what's been up with me lately.

1 comment:

StryderLee: edupunk said...

Vermont eh? Nice! I'll bet it's a bit cooler up in the Green Mountains. On your visit, did you hear anything about Ethan Allen & The Green Mountain Boys? Supposedly he's an ancestor of mine...